Thursday, 11 February 2010

Ancillary tasks: Using Photoshop

This is an example of the task we conducted whereby we got into partners and took photos to upload and as shown above re-adjust colour styles, levels and positioning.

In order for me to design my own poster for the short film I am doing, it is important that I am able to identify with the tools and features that is included in Adobe Photoshop. In the previous three lessons we have taken the time to go through the basics and more advanced features of this programme. Through doing this, it has significantly helped me in preparing for the making of my actual poster. Thus, meaning that I will be to have a better understanding of how to make my poster look a certain way.

We progressed within class from taking an image of a celebrity from the internet and cropping it to only show their face and then find an animal body to place it on. Through doing this in lesson one I was able to merge the two images together to make it look natural. By lesson two and three we were getting into partners of two and taking pictures so that we could upload them onto Photoshop to then edit and re-adjust. By the end of the three Photoshop lessons I feel that I have learnt a variety of skills that will aid me in making my own poster.

Short film review: Film three

I felt it was necessary to compare two magazine reviews based on the same film, through doing this it means that I will be able to identify the different literary techniques within both articles and how they try and manipulate readers into a particular opinion.

The emphasis of the pictures all over the article emphasises the reviewer has pinpointed the best parts of the film. Due to the fact that I want to try and encourage as many audience members as possible I will use a variety of shots around my review. Thus, helping me to emphasise the most effective parts of the narrative, therefore further enticing my target consumers.

Another important aspect that I was able to identify with, within the review is the fact that the review has been split down into separate headings so that the readers are guided through the review as much as possible. Therefore, within the article I will include friendly -sometimes colloquial- language, lots of images, headings, titles and quotes from my actors. Thus, helping to increase the success of the marketing for the film.

Short film review: Film two

I found this magazine review in "Flipside" within this I was able to identify various articles and reviews. The most poignant convention that I noted was the large image that was presented above the article. Thus, helping to show that many readers will identify with the review if they are given large visual imagery to help back up the points that are made within the review. This review most definately expresses some form of a biased opinion as when the review gets to the "silly stuff" the reviewer has claimed that none of it is. Thus, meaning that the readers are made to side with the reviewer automatically as they clearly favour one opinion over the other. Therefore, within my article I will make the effort to ultimately choose one side of the argument over the other in order to establish the same opinion from my readers. Also, allowing me to identify whether I have the literary techniques to manipulate the readers opinion.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Short film review: Film one

In order to establish the codes and conventions of a magazine review I looked at a large variety of reviews and identified the ones that would help me most upon conducting my own magazine review. I looked at the magazine "Flipside" and found a review about the film "Casino Royale".

Through reading the review I was able to establish the various conventions that are necessary within a magazine review. One vital connection that I was able to identify was the way in which the magazine review was written. The review established both ideas of the film being good and also the parts that were accordingly "silly". Thus referring to it within the review as "good stuff" and "silly stuff". Through this colloquial manner of speaking it helps to establish a wider audience as more people can engage with it. Thus, helping to influence the review on a much larger demographic.

The review is split into three sections, two of the above "stuff"and the "story" section. Throughout each point that is made there is some form of critical understanding that is also established. Whereby, the readers are able to understand the parts of the story that will be most engaging. Nevertheless, to some extent it could be said that the review is slightly biased as the readers are made to express one predominant opinion over the other.