Wednesday, 30 September 2009


The opening scenes of the narrative involve the introduction to the subject matter of the text, that being the 'need to be thin' and the importance of having the 'look'. Therefore, I will use a piece of existing material from the internet that involves a petite-sized model going down a catwalk. Once doing this the titles will begin to creep into the shots.

The main base of the plot will involve a 17 year old teenage girl fighting her battle against an eating disorder and bulimia. The audience will see her at her lowest points in the narrative, this involves fighting with her loved ones. All of whom are oblivious of the girls fear of food at the beginning of the narrative apart from her best friend who shows concern throughout. After the fights and arguments, the teenage girl begins to rely on her friend for support but begins to lie to her when she realises that the friend doesn't want to help her become 'stick-thin'.

This lie means that the protagonist's mother arrives at her high school to pick her up but discovers that she didn't turn up. The mother and best friend return home from school and find the protagonist throwing up her 'food'.

To show the transition in time, I will use a laptop to show how time has moved forward. Not only this but I found from my primary research that a short story would typically appeal to younger audiences therefore I want to represent a modern- technological era that has helped shaped the narrative of the story as most 'model' or 'fashion' stories are found on the internet.

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