One of the main ancillary tasks that I was asked to do was to "design a magazine review" for my short film. Through conducting secondary research into other existing magazine reviews, it enabled me to identify the key codes and conventions upon designing a magazine review. I looked at reviews within various magazines such as "Heat", "Flipside" and "Glamour". This was extremely beneficial for me to look at because it meant that I had a basis for the planning of my review. In order to be more specific to the subject matter of my review that being "body image" and "anorexia", I looked at an online review of "The Truth behind Size Zero: Louise Redknapp". This review was found on the "IMDB" website, this was beneficial for me to use because it specialises in reviewing films. Thus, meaning that I could depict the primary codes and conventions intergrated within it.
One particular convention that I noted within the "IMDB" review was the style of writing used. Throughout the whole of the review, there was a mixture of positive and negative comments to help balance the review. Thus, meaning that the review remained engaging through the critical nature of the text. Through identifying this, I looked at my review to form a comparison. In order to improve my review -and thus, make it more engaging- I will form more of a balanced review providing both positive and negative comments.
Nevertheless, from gaining the primary research (towards the end of my evaluation) it meant that I had a good interpretation as to how my target market percieved the level of synergy between all three texts.